Our Services
We will provide you with the support and guidance you need to make your feeding experience a positive and successful one for both you and your baby(ies). Our services include personalized breastfeeding education, tongue tie assessments, bottle-feeding, pumping guidance and on-going support after your consult to help you achieve your lactation and feeding goals. We want you help you move past your challenges so you can enjoy time with your beautiful baby.
Prenatal Consults
We love helping our pregnant, adoptive or surrogate families better prepare for the all-important task of breastfeeding, bottle-feeding or inducing lactating. Learning how to breastfeed after your baby is born is challenging and it’s much better to go in as prepared as you can be.
Initial Feeding Consult
This appointment will be our first visit together with you and your baby. We can either do this in one of our two offices or in the comfort of your home.” Also, it’s not highlighted in pink the way the others are.
Weight Check
A quick check to see how baby is growing. This is for current clients only who just need to make sure their baby is gaining well. This is not a consult.
Appointment Types in Detail
Initial Consult - 1st Visit with Baby
Our first visit with you and your baby can take place in one of our offices or in the comfort of your own home. We prefer to do our initial consult with you and your baby or babies in-person rather than tele-health when at all possible.
Initial appointments will cover many of the following things:
Assessment of mother/breastfeeding parent
Assessment of baby (or babies)
Latch, breast/chest issues
Oral assessment for tongue tie or other oral-anatomical restrictions impacting infant feeding (see more below)
Weighted feed (to see how much your baby is getting at the breast)
Flange fitting, if time allows
Bottle-feeding approaches
Pumping strategies (especially if exclusively pumping)
Occasionally, all that’s needed is a one-time initial consult. However, it is suggested that you budget for at least 2 or more in-person consults. Most breastfeeding issues can take time to resolve.
*Tongue Tie: If your baby has been assessed with tongue tie or other oral restrictions either by another provider or by us, or you suspect there is a tongue tie, please schedule a consult with us. We will make appropriate referrals & recommendations. We take a serious, comprehensive team approach to helping babies be their best feeding selves with minimal intervention. However, if we have been working together to solve all your breastfeeding & milk production issues, and baby is still struggling to feed effectively, when necessary we will help you navigate before, during and after the frenotomy (the procedure to correct the oral tethering).
Follow-Up Consults
In most cases, one or more follow-up visits may be necessary to measure progress, improve latch, work on bottle-feeding skills, deal with new, but related issues, do a pump flange fitting or provide confirmation of improvement (weight gain, milk transfer, etc.).
Prenatal Lactation Consultation
During a prenatal breastfeeding consultation we will review in great detail all of the basics of breastfeeding and how to determine if breastfeeding is going well once you welcome your baby into this world. Prenatal appointments are particularly helpful if prior attempts to breastfeed were unsuccessful or you have particular medical concerns that need to be addressed.
Prenatal appointments are booked for 90 minutes to allow for a thorough discussion of breastfeeding essentials for your early establishment of breastfeeding.
Tele-Health Consultation
A tele-health visit is a virtual appointment that takes place over a HIPAA-compliant video platform. It allows you to receive care from the comfort of you own home, without having to physically visit our office. There may be some insurance limitations to these visits.
Weight Check
Weight checks are meant to provide a quick check on how your baby is doing and is only available for current clients. Please contact your current provider to book this.
Flange Fitting
This is a great appointment for someone who just wants to get properly sized and discuss how to best use their pump. This is not intended to go over any breast or bottle-feeding issues.